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  • AI Weekly Digest #36: Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro & OpenAI’s Sora are changing the AI Game!

AI Weekly Digest #36: Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro & OpenAI’s Sora are changing the AI Game!

AI Weekly Digest #36: Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro & OpenAI’s Sora are changing the AI Game!

Hello, tech enthusiasts! This is Wassim Jouini and Welcome to my AI newsletter, where I bring you the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence without the unnecessary hype.

You can find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Medium! Let’s connect!

Now let's dive into this week's news and explore the practical applications of AI across various sectors.

Main Headlines

Here are the main trends to keep in mind if you are working in AI today.

But, first I’d like to thank you all! 

Writing is, for many of us, primarily a passion. We do it to structure our thoughts, to share what we’ve learned, and to interact with like-minded individuals.

However, it can also become a solid source of income if done correctly! A single post is generating more than $400 in less than 2 weeks! Here a link to blog post if you want to know what the fuss is all about!

Now Let’s dive into the news!

Gemini 1.5 Pro emerges as a model with unique capabilities compared to other models!

This new version, of Gemini models, incorporates all the recent advancements in AI, significantly enhancing the performance of its models.

  • It’s a Mixture of Experts, inspired by Mistral’s success.

  • It’s multimodal, handling Text, Images, Video, and Audio.

  • It has been tested with up to 10M token contexts, whereas, for reference, GPT-4 Turbo has a 128k token context.

  • The model boasts near-perfect retrieval ability over large contexts — a big deal!

This leads to Gemini Pro 1.5 performing on the same level as Gemini Ultra!

OpenAI's SORA is a groundbreaking AI model capable of generating realistic 60-second videos, a significant leap from the previous 2-3 second clips.

It offers flexibility in video formats, utilizes a transformer-based diffusion model for high-quality output, and can be prompted with text, images, or videos, showcasing advanced simulation capabilities and potential applications in content creation and training simulations.

Just watch this youtube video combining all demo videos presented by OpenAI! A new billion-dollar business is emerging as we speak, enabling

#3 OpenAI Updates: ChatGPT and Whisper Updates

  • Memory and new controls for ChatGPT: OpenAI is testing a new memory feature in ChatGPT that allows it to remember details from conversations to make future interactions more helpful. Users have full control over this feature, including the ability to turn it off, instruct ChatGPT to forget specific details, or manage and delete memories through settings.

  • Whisper update enables word-level precision for transcripts and video edits, which allows for the removal of specific frames tied to individual words.

This is it for Today!

Until next time, this is Wassim Jouini, signing off. See you in the next edition!

Have a great week and may AI always be on your side!